Source: Financial Express

Elon Musk has reversed his earlier decision to remove headlines from shared links on Twitter. The change was announced in a tweet from Musk himself, who said that X will now display headlines as an “overlay title” in the upper portion of the image of a URL card.

Musk in August mentioned that X intended to discontinue displaying titles alongside URLs in previews. It was to enhance the visual appeal of the post. Following this announcement, the company stopped showing headlines in October.

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Due to this modification, users had to open the URL card to know the title or read the headline. Eventually, publishers began creating their own headlines on images and sharing the link separately or incorporating the headline within the image of the preview card that was generated.

This move of Musk with widespread criticism from users, who argued that it made it more difficult to quickly scan through their timelines and decide which articles to read. Musk initially defended the decision, saying that it was necessary to “reduce clickbait” and “improve aesthetics.”

However, it appears that Musk has now had a change of heart. He did not give any specific timeline for the change nor did he give any explanation behind recalling the move. It remains to be seen whether this is a permanent change or whether Musk will eventually reverse himself again. However, for now, Twitter users can rejoice in the fact that they can once again see headlines for shared links.

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Source: Financial Express