The Tanzanian government has begun reviewing its policy on information and communications technology (ICT) to support the digital economy and transform the country’s economy, according to a senior official.

Celestine Kakele, Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Communication and Information Technology, stated that the revision of the ICT policy aims to establish a favorable environment for stimulating the digital economy.

According to a publication, Kakele told the seventh ICT conference in Tanzania held in the port city of Dar es Salaam that the government will continue creating a conducive atmosphere that will enable investors to be innovative as the country moves towards applying technology in promoting the digital economy.

“Women and girls should use available platforms in ICT for their day-to-day activities aimed at empowering them economically.”

Minister of Information, Communication and Information Technology Nape Nnauye told parliament in May that preparations were underway to spur the digital economy.

Nnauye said the government had set aside 150 million U.S. dollars for the strategy that would see the East African nation’s economy going digital.