MEST Africa has unveiled the selection of 12 innovative companies for the inaugural Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellowship in Ghana. This fellowship is designed to support promising African EdTech companies with essential business and financial resources, insights into the science of learning, and preparation for scale, sustainability, and impactful growth.

The selected companies represent a diverse array of solutions poised to significantly enhance education in Ghana. Angela Duho, Program Manager at MEST Africa, expressed her enthusiasm, stating, “We are thrilled to welcome these visionary companies into the Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellowship at MEST Africa. Their innovative solutions hold the promise of transforming education in Ghana, and we are excited to support their growth and impact.”

The 12 selected companies for the 2024 Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellowship are:

  1. Perbi Cubs: An innovative literacy program using engaging digital tools to address poor reading skills among Ghanaian and African children.
  2. Inspiring Teachers Ghana: A nonprofit helping teachers improve learning outcomes for Ghanaian children by leveraging expertise in teacher training and program development.
  3. Dext Technology Limited: Develops and deploys affordable tools for effective learning of basic Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education.
  4. Loozeele Excellence Academy: Pioneers STEM-focused early childhood education in the Upper East region, offering comprehensive and practical learning experiences.
  5. Ayaprep: An educational application that teaches mathematics in local Ghanaian languages, enhancing accessibility and inclusivity in learning.
  6. Qknow Edtech: Democratizes education by offering quality learning resources and personalized tutoring using technology and educator expertise.
  7. Wonderspaced: An educational content creation, publishing, and distribution platform for primary school students and educators, promoting critical thinking, creativity, and literacy.
  8. DeafCanTalk: Revolutionizes accessibility for Deaf students with assistive technology, removing communication barriers for inclusive education.
  9. Firefly IO: Pioneers hands-on STEAM and Robotics education, fostering curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
  10. Coral Reef Innovation Hub: Prepares students for the future workforce through AI, content development, and EdTech services.
  11. eCampus: Revolutionizes learning with technology-driven solutions, facilitating smarter studying, employability, and prosperity for learners worldwide.
  12. Alpha Virtual Academy: A comprehensive digital learning platform for K-9 schools in Ghana, featuring interactive modules, assessments, teacher training, and administrative tools.

Through the Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellowship, the cohort will embark on a transformative journey of mentorship with support from specialists in education innovation, sustainability, impact, and scale. They will access courses on the science of learning and receive equity-free grants aimed at scaling their impact and contributing to the advancement of education in Ghana.

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