Embark on a journey into the heart of legal innovation at the Accra Lawtech Hangout on December 7, 2023.An event curated by the passionate minds at Legaltech Lounge. This non-profit community in Accra is on a mission to unite legal professionals, tech enthusiasts, and aspiring law students from across Africa, promising a day packed with insights into the exciting convergence of law and technology.

Step into the realm of legal innovation in Ghana as industry leaders take the stage, sharing their experiences, highlighting opportunities, and addressing challenges within the dynamic lawtech space. The conversation extends to the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), with a special focus on ChatGPT and its impact on the legal sector, exploring both the promises and potential risks. Brace yourself for a deep dive into the transformative role of AI in shaping the future of law and technology.

Beyond the enriching discussions, the Accra Lawtech Hangout offers more than just a conference. Engage in product demonstrations, build valuable connections during informal networking sessions, and raise a toast to collaboration during the drinks session. It’s not just an event; it’s a platform where knowledge meets innovation, where legal minds and tech wizards come together.

Don’t miss out on this day of profound learning, invaluable networking, and boundless inspiration. Secure your spot now by purchasing a ticket here. For organizations keen on amplifying their presence, explore sponsorship and content partnership opportunities by reaching out to Richel at richel@pamital.com.